We were delighted to host a visit for Invest NI’s CEO, Mr Kieran Donoghue, and to showcase our innovative clinical research and healthcare solutions in Multiomics, Pharmacogenomics, BioResource and expansion of clinical trials.

Western Trust colleagues complete ARTP Spirometry Certification
Celebrating Red4Research Day 2024
We were delighted to host a visit for IMEA healthcare professionals on behalf of Invest NI.
Following our recent single cell analysis competition, we are delighted to announce VascVersa Ltd as the winner.
C-TRIC, or the Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre, was founded in 2008 on the grounds of Derry-Londonderry’s Altnagelvin Hospital. It is a unique collaboration between Ulster University, the Western Health and Social Care Trust and Derry City and Strabane District Council.
On 8th February 2023 C-TRIC hosted a Pharmacogenomics Unmet Clinical Needs Workshop to share insights on the clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics to improve patient outcomes and productivity.
Our Chief Executive, Dr Aaron Peace was delighted to host a visit from Permanent Secretary, Mr Peter May…