Our patient access services

C-TRIC’s unique location and network of in-house patient access services aim to provide researchers, partners and colleagues with the tools for success.

Patient Recruitment

  • Located on Altnagelvin Hospital site in the WHSCT with access to HSC patients for recruitment
  • NI wide and cross-border capabilities include primary care, secondary care and community recruitment
  • A multi-disciplinary approach to clinical research enables tackling of complex research questions, developing more effective interventions, and ultimately improves patient care and outcomes

Research Governance

  • In-house clinical governance staff can guide you through the process of governance and ethical approval, including Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) forms
  • We house the R&D Application Gateway, which acts as the national co-ordinating function for Northern Ireland

Specialist Staff

  • Gain access to in-house specialist clinical, academic and scientific staff
  • Benefit from expertise and training in the latest medical and scientific technologies
  • Our in-house study support officers and skilled research nurses
  • C-TRIC houses Ulster University’s Personalised Medicine Centre

Medical Device Evaluations

  • Extensive experience in comparative and analytical studies to test your device and compare it to existing devices e.g. Point of care systems (POC)
  • Staff have extensive experience in inter/intra-operability and useability studies

Human Factor Studies

  • Human factor studies provide clinical assessment of medical devices which patients directly interact with
  • Contributes to the development of patient-centred, efficient, safe systems and technologies


Shape the future of healthcare by participating in clinical research. We are always in need of new recruits and your involvement could make a difference for both yourself and future generations.

We are especially keen to hear from individuals with cardiovascular and heart disease.

Please let us know if you have any of the following conditions: