IMEA Healthcare Professionals Visit

We were delighted to host a visit for IMEA healthcare professionals on behalf of Invest NI. We discussed and showcased our innovative clinicalresearch and healthcare solutions in Multiomics, Pharmacogenomics, Bioresource, and expansion of Clinical Trials, and how these services could be exported or knowledge transferred to healthcare systems within India, the Middle East and Africa. Excellent connections were made and we look forward to furthering our discussions on these important topics.


C-TRIC’s Journey to Becoming a Beacon of Medical Innovation

C-TRIC, or the Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre, was founded in 2008 on the grounds of Derry-Londonderry’s Altnagelvin Hospital. It is a unique collaboration between Ulster University, the Western Health and Social Care Trust and Derry City and Strabane District Council.  

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Succeed North West

Succeed North West hosted by Derry Chamber

We were delighted to attend and support the Derry Chamber-hosted Succeed North West event held in Belfast. The event showcased our region’s growing economic strengths and was attended by NI business leaders from across a range of stakeholders.

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